Welcome to the Ashbaugh Family Guestbook
Thank you for visiting our web site. We would appreciate it if you would
sign our guestbook! If you are a family member, tell us your lineage under the comments section.
My great-great grandfather was Alexander Ashbaugh who was born in 1823 in Armstrong County, Pennsylvania. He served in the Civil War enlisting at age 41 in 1864. I have copies of his service records from the National Archives. My great grandfather was Peter Ashbaugh who also was born in Armstrong County, Pennsylvania. I have most if not all of the geanology for Peter's family.
Brian W. Ashbaugh <bashbaugh@rshdlaw.com>
Pittsburgh, PA USA - Saturday, February 03, 2001 at 10:21:49 (CST)
My Maternal Grandfather was Jacob Ashbaugh a farmer in Noble, Arkansas.
My grandmother Lena was his second wife. Their children were Edward Ashbaugh,
Edna Laurice Ashbaugh( Lampl) ,Mary Gertrude(Collins),Evelyn Katherine (Warner)
Robert Eisnaugle( My grandmother Lena son by a previous marrige)
Their probably were other children but I don't have knowledge of them since my
grandfather died long before my birth. Any information you can provide wil be deeply appreciated.
Andrew M. Lampl <Farm130@fuse.net>
Hamilton, Ohio USA - Sunday, January 28, 2001 at 18:42:01 (CST)
Does anyone know much about Ashbaughs in Clarion County, PA, USA? My family owned a farm with a cornerstone of around 1890 on the barn and I would like to gather info about the family that settled the origanl farm. I would appreciate any link to anyone from which Daniel and Rosinna, his wife, and the parents of Daniel. Thank you. I also have relatives known to live in Ohio and possible Seatle, definitely in WA State. Thank you!!!
Neil Arthur Ashbaugh <neil00@zoominternet.net>
Butler, PA USA - Wednesday, January 17, 2001 at 07:25:29 (CST)
I have a carbon copy of a coat of arms for the Ashbaugh Family.
Neil Arthur Ashbaugh <neil00@zoominternet.net>
Butler, PA USA - Wednesday, January 17, 2001 at 07:21:04 (CST)
You have my outdated page listed on your genealogy pages link.
My new page is http://debi.efkfamily.net
my email is debisw@modempool.com
Deborah Shortz-Wheeler <debisw@modempool.com>
Jackson, Michigan USA - Monday, January 08, 2001 at 23:17:40 (CST)
ancestors: J. Andrew ASHBAUGH married Elizabeth M. BUTLER on 4NOV1847, Kane Co. IL
3. Frederick ASHBAUGH
4. Albert ASHBAUGH
5. James Andrew ASHBAUGH
Most in Kansas
Anyone know about ASHBAUGH Grocery Store in Moundville, KS?
Darlena Klarer <drklarer@hotmail.com>
Idyllwild, CA USA - Saturday, January 06, 2001 at 21:28:24 (CST)
I was messing around on the internet and did a search on my last name. I had no idea there would be an entire web page dedicated to the Ashbaugh's. I found all information very interesting.
Helen Ashbaugh <hen-hel@infoblvd.net>
New York - Friday, January 05, 2001 at 02:47:16 (CST)
I would like too know if any of you know Billy Ashbaugh, the drummer for Nsync?If you do I would like some real information on him like if he is married?I was just wondering.I'm a fan of his and so is my friend Kristina.Thanks alot!Hope to here from someone!Happy holidays to all Ashbaugh families.
Brandy <brockpoke@yahoo.com>
Sanford, Florida U.S.A. - Tuesday, January 02, 2001 at 14:32:03 (CST)
I would like too know if any of you know Billy Ashbaugh, the drummer for Nsync?If you do I would like some real information on him like if he is married?I was just wondering.I'm a fan of his and so is my friend Kristina.Thanks alot!Hope to here from someone!Happy holidays to all Ashbaugh families.
Brsndy <brockpoke@yahoo.com>
Sanford, Florida U.S.A. - Tuesday, January 02, 2001 at 14:31:46 (CST)
I have a 3rd great grandmother Catherine Ashbaugh/Ashby who married William McHenry in (Probably) Owen Co., Ohio. They pioneered in Iowa ca 1840--one of Iowas earliest.
Patricia Monroe <patats@email.msn.com>
Clearwater, FL USA - Sunday, December 31, 2000 at 19:50:33 (CST)
Hi! I am the daughter of Frederick Edward Eschbach (b. 1924) of Buffalo, New York, who was the son of Frederick Eschbach and Helga Heinemann. Grandparents passed away before I was born, father passed away when I was three. I was born and raised on Guam, so I have no other information on my Eschbach family background (never even met one that didn't live in my house!). Any information would be greatly appreciated. Thanks!!
Maria Erica Rose Eschbach <americathebeautiful@presidency.com>
Seattle, Washington USA - Monday, December 25, 2000 at 22:43:38 (CST)
9th generation from Johann Heinrich Eschbach, son Andrew, son Henry, son John, daughter Suzanna married Andrew Pollard in 1853 Pike County, Ohio.
Lois McClurg Walker <LW32351@aol.com>
- Sunday, December 24, 2000 at 23:12:51 (CST)
Take a look at:
Richard Chroninger <chrono@asde.net>
Maryville, Missouri - Sunday, December 17, 2000 at 09:33:07 (CST)
Looking for a link to Belle Ashbaughb25 Mar,1861 d.22Feb, 1922
Al Decker <shootist99@hotmail.com>
Lewbanon Junction, Kentucky U.S.A. - Sunday, December 03, 2000 at 20:52:16 (CST)
GREENSBURG, PA WESTMORELAND - Monday, November 27, 2000 at 22:00:49 (CST)