Welcome to the Ashbaugh Family Guestbook

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I am originally from New Mexico and come from a long line of Ashbaugh's spanning four generations from New Mexico to Southeastern Arizona. I would be interested in learning more about our lineage. I'm only 27 years old. There's still time!
Kriss Ashbaugh <rustyironlung@home.com>
Newport Beach, CA USA - Thursday, April 26, 2001 at 17:05:02 (CDT)

You are the man! I love your style. It is so funny....all these little kids who LOVE Nsync don't realize that Nsync would be nothing without a tight of a backup band as you guys. You should all lay some funk stuff down...that would be sweet. Anyway, your style it exactly the style i play...if you have any tips you could give that would be awesome! Anyway, you are on the same page in my book as Carter Beauford...and that is a very hard thing to do! Keep playin bro...God Bless!

David Rand <drbeat@spu.edu>
Seattle, WA 98119 - Sunday, April 22, 2001 at 21:22:40 (CDT)

billy ahsbaugh, you are the man. you have just about made me believe that there is a better drummer than carter beuford. keep it up man, your the best
anthony garrett <drummintheworld@hotmail.com>
knoxville, tn us - Tuesday, April 17, 2001 at 01:44:07 (CDT)

Would like to suscribe to the Johan Heinrich Ashbaugh list service. And find adress for Carol Ashbaugh.

Lowell c Ashbaugh <Gramdar@webnet.com>
Portland, Oregon Multnomah - Sunday, April 15, 2001 at 14:29:51 (CDT)

Hi to all. Saw the reference to Joshua Benton in this site. Is he related to the Ashbaugh's? I would appreciate finding this out as I'm researching Bentons. Thanks, Gwendolyn
Gwendolyn Prater Dalseg <dalseg@cnw.com>
Mount Vernon, WA USA - Saturday, April 07, 2001 at 02:21:17 (CDT)

My great grandma was Elizabeth Ashbaugh-her father was Andrew J. Ashbaugh from Fairfield Co. Ohio - he moved to Oregon after the Civil War. Will give any other family info if interested.
Judy Brayton <jbrayton14@aol.com>
Memphis, TN usa - Tuesday, April 03, 2001 at 10:08:56 (CDT)

My mom is an ASHBAUGH i love the site! And so do my Grandparents.
Daniel Vlosky <dvlosky@usa.net>
Baton Rouge, Louisiana US - Sunday, April 01, 2001 at 13:32:01 (CDT)

hI/jOHN/This is the onley I was able to wrightto yOU.
Mr, Donald Paul Ford <donford<@ptd,net>>
Ashland, Pa. 17921 U,S,A, - Monday, March 26, 2001 at 11:31:28 (CST)

Ashbaugh! I am so gald that another Ashbaugh I met online gave me this address. We are looking for info on Florence Ashbaugh. We know that she came from Pennsylvania in the early 1900's. Any info would be greatly appreciated.
Brandy <Ashbaugh2@aol.com>
Denison, Tx - Friday, March 23, 2001 at 19:38:28 (CST)

I am the great granddaughter of Perna Ashbaugh
Danette L. Wolff <whizzer421@aol.com>
Bensalem, PA USA - Wednesday, March 21, 2001 at 15:21:46 (CST)

Mom is Sara Ashbaugh,
Jeff Goin <jeffgoin@earthlink.net>
Naperville, IL USA - Monday, March 19, 2001 at 01:22:46 (CST)

I have try to find out where my grandmother,Laura Blanche Burnside, was born. Who her father was and maybe where he was born.
dalphine (ashbaugh) cossey <dcossey@webtv.nen>
yelm, wash, U.S.A. - Tuesday, March 13, 2001 at 10:29:25 (CST)

I enjoy finding all the Ashbaughs.
dalphine (ashbaugh) cossey <dcossey@webtv.net>
yelm, wash. - Friday, March 09, 2001 at 08:03:29 (CST)

I am looking for links to my family tree. I have just started and am having troubles tracking down the ashbaugh tree. My great grandfather was John Ashbaugh 06/01/1834-1/8/1907 Married to Mary ... they had 7 Children. Willie 1/15/1862 - Jane 2/29/1864 - Julis 7/29/1867 - Viola 11/3/1869 - Sadie 2/22/1871 - Wiley Mark (Grandfather)1/29/1875 - Phobe Alice 10/14/1877. Any help would be appreciated..
Steven Mark Ashbaugh <steveas@netnitco.net>
Valparaiso, Indiana USA - Saturday, February 24, 2001 at 23:20:52 (CST)

I am a cousin through the Taylors of Gosport Indiana. Interested in hearing from descendants of cousins related to the Taylors,Ashbaughs & McHenry families of Gosport Ind. Jim Dempsey <JGNL-Dempsey@worldnet.att.net>
Cincinnati, OH USA - Monday, February 12, 2001 at 08:57:20 (CST)


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