The Ashbaugh Family

This Site Dedicated to Anything Ashbaugh, Eschbach, Eshbach or related!

The Ashbaugh Family Site is Moving
The Various Portions of this site will be moved to the following Domains
Please Take Note and Bookmark the New Locations.
Once these domains begin to appear in the search engines, this site will be removed!!!

Ashbaughs in History

Bulletin Board
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Chat Room

Genealogy Pages

Guest Book

Home Pages

Mail List
Share news and events with other Ashbaughs!

Meaning and Origen of our Name



Roy Ashbaugh Memorial Website

Shared Family Information

Suggestions & link submissions

Other Genealogy Resources (below)

Tools for Genealogists
The SurnameWeb

If you are an Ashbaugh or Eschbach or related to one or the other and have a web page, whether it's a business page or personal page, we'd like to know and place a link!

As this is a new site, it is still under development and we are still searching for more Ashbaugh's and Eschbach's! Remember, the two are related. The Ashbaugh name is the Americanization of the German name Eschbach, sometimes spelled Eshbach. We are all most likely decendants of Johann Hienrich Eschbach (Henry) or Frederick Eschbach from Germany. Johann Heinrich Eschbach became known as Henry Ashbaugh sometime after his arrival to the colonies aboard the ship Winter Galley in September of 1738. Want to know more? Are you related? Visit some of our genealogy links and find out!

Please take time to visit or sign our guestbook sometime during your visit with us!

You may also want to visit the Binckley side of the Family.

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